The helicopter's fire extinguisher is located:
The degree of urgency for an emergency landing is determined as follows:
The helicopter's first aid kit is located:
Action to be taken to avoid food or liquid contamination:
After helicopter maintenance, check that:
Before inflating the life jacket, one should:
The helicopter’s first aid kit should be:
Engine emergency shutdown on the ground:
It is recommended to inflate life jackets:
In case of skin contamination with kerosene:
Halon is the only cockpit approved extinguishing agent:
In case of incident or accident, a reporting form must be filled
The sliding door’s emergency exits can be used when:
Hyperventilation: (several answers possible)
The ELT can be switched ON manually:
Hypoxia is dangerous as it:
Voice transmission is possible via ELT:
You have been involved in an accident. Your first duty is to:
In case of cabin fire and medical oxygen in use:
The Switlik life jackets have the following features:
There are ______ fire extinguishers on board
In case of contamination of the eyes by Jet Fuel: