Emergency and Safety equipment annual (ESE-A)_EC135 Quiz Quiz: 23 questions / 75 % to pass Full Name Email The degree of urgency for an emergency landing is determined as follows: LAND AT ALL COST – LAND WHEN POSSIBLE – LAND AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE LAND IMMEDIATELY – LAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – LAND AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE LAND IMMEDIATELY – LAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE – LAND AS SOON AS AVAILABLE LAND IMMEDIATELY – LAND IF POSSIBLE – LAND WHEN POSSIBLE The Switlik life jackets have the following features: single cell configuration, water activated light, one oral inflation tube independent twin cell configuration, water activated light, two oral inflation tubes independent twin cell configuration, water activated light, one oral inflation tube It is recommended to inflate life jackets: after exiting the helicopter, when rotor has come to a complete stop inside the helicopter, after impacting water inside the helicopter, before impacting water Action to be taken to avoid food or liquid contamination: eat only food from ABC use common sense and nose to determine if food is edible avoid eating when on duty Before inflating the life jacket, one should: lover helmet visor release helmet strap remove boots remove watch In case of contamination of the eyes by Jet Fuel: wash eyes with soap and water first action is to transport the person to the nearest medical facility immediately flush eyes with Eye flush solution, continue with large amounts of water The helicopter's fire extinguisher is located: at the end of the center console between the PIC’s and HCM’s seat behind the Medical passenger’s seat behind left rear seat on the right-hand side of the pilot’s seat and at the rear of the helicopter Hypoxia is dangerous as it: causes euphoria and impaired mental ability causes pain and discomfort can occur at any altitude has no effect on healthy individual The sliding door’s emergency exits can be used when: there are no emergency exits on the sliding doors the sliding door’s jettisoning lever is in open position the medical passenger decides to open the window of the sliding door the filler has been removed and the window is pressed out of place Flashlights are located: NVG compatible in both front doors and one regular on the side of the medical drawer in both front doors and on the side of the medical drawer – all are NVG compatible in both front doors and on the side of the medical drawer – none are NVG compatible in both front doors – they are not NVG compatible The ELT can be switched ON manually: from the unit and center console switch by removing it from the holder it cannot be switched ON manually from the top of the instrument panel After helicopter maintenance, check that: no need to check ELT box (maintenance duty) ELT box is in ARM position ELT box is in ON position The helicopter’s first aid kit should be: Replenished after use Inspected at specified interval Replenished at regular intervals Halon is the only cockpit approved extinguishing agent: may be used only with water addition may be used without any restriction area must be ventilated quickly after use The helicopter's first aid kit is located: under the pilot’s seat in the left cockpit door in the left rear clam-shell door in the cabin center console Hyperventilation: (several answers possible) will degrade physical and mental performance there is vasoconstriction and stimulation of sensory nerves causing a sensation of pins and needles one may notice a feeling of dizziness, a coldness and tingling around the lips Brace position: arms crossed in front, fingers under shoulder straps and knees wide arms crossed in front, fingers on the shoulders and knees wide arms crossed in front, fingers under shoulder straps and knees together Voice transmission is possible via ELT: by choosing emergency position on the radio panel only after system has been activated for 15 minutes when removed from the helicopter and helmet plug attached never In case of skin contamination with kerosene: wash contact areas with soap and water as soon as possible first action is to transport the person to the nearest medical facility no action is required as kerosene will evaporate quickly There are three means to shutdown the engines on ground in case of Emergency. True False None In case of incident or accident, a reporting form must be filled The commander is the only person who can report the event Report must be filed within 24 hours Any report form model can be used A report is not necessary as it is reported by medias You have been involved in an accident. Your first duty is to: evacuate crew and passengers and give first aid if needed secure the aircraft and remove the battery call 112 remove ELT from aircraft None In case of cabin fire and medical oxygen in use: close oxygen bottles, fight the fire and consider dropping burning material from helicopter fight the fire with extinguisher (oxygen flow is limited and plays no role in putting out the fire) open sliding doors to extinguish fire and evacuate smoke Time’s up